Friday, December 3, 2010

Updates & a little background seem appropriate here..

It's been a pretty good few days over here, as we have some SWEET designs in the works and have already gotten a few good ones out. We're currently trying to work on some Women's shirts, which is a lot harder than I thought it would be. So, if there's any girls out there that have any good ideas, please send us a shoutout and email me!

Besides for that, theres not a ton going on. We're working on getting the first batch of shirts in but want to come up with at least 1 or 2 more designs before we put in a order.

This has definitely been a tiring experience for me. I've been working on this every free minute of my day for the last week, and those 5am nights are starting to add up on me. It is however, totally worth it. Seeing the finished products in front of me is absolutely an amazing feeling.

Speaking of which, I had a few people ask me some questions that I feel would be appropriate to answer here. The first was:

"WHY ROGUE? DOES IT HAVE ANY MEANING?": The answer to that question, is pretty easy actually. It really doesn't have an external meaning to me. I wanted something that was pretty catchy, easy to remember, etc. I actually had a different name in mind when I first started the company, but had some trouble in securing it so I moved on to ROGUE.

"WHY A CLOTHING COMPANY?": I've always been a very creative person, but I'll be the first to admit that I have trouble always staying on course and going through with everything. I'm a huge music junkie and always have my hand in some musical jar of honey so to speak. This idea for a clothing company actually started about a year ago. It was something that I dabbled in for a little while and then got distracted and moved on from it. When I finally picked it back up about a month and a half ago, everything went really smoothly, and it was just perfect timing. It was really exciting to have everything honestly go really smoothly. So because of that, and my excitement in seeing the finished pieces in front of me, I got really commited to sticking with it. We're gonna do it big with this one. Haha.

and finally,
"WHERE DO YOU GET THE IDEAS FOR YOUR SHIRTS?": This is probably actually the hardest question to answer. I don't really have any distinct source of inspiration. I just pretty much take a look around, and try to find something that I think would fit the IDEA of ROGUE Clothing. As I was telling somebody yesterday, I dont really have a distinct style or type of person that I'm going for. Like this isn't directed to JUST skaters, or this isn't directed to just a hip-hop style. You know? It's a style for everyone. So saying that, my ideas kinda just come from wherever. I dont have a restriction cause im going for a certain audience so it leaves me open to do anything. The only actual restrictions I have are from the company that makes the shirts haha.

I just want to thank everyone again for all the support! Everyone has been pretty awesome. I want to expand ROGUE a lot more in the coming months, as it's really just in it's infancy at this current time. So stay with us!

Go ROGUE, or Go Home!


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